Motivating Operation

Sometimes abbreviated as MO, this term refers to a change in the environment that affects the value of other stimuli to serve as reinforcers and antecedent stimuli. In other words, something in the environment temporarily alters the value of something else, and therefore will result in the individual engaging in behaviors to get what is…

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Most-to-least prompting

This term refers to a prompting and prompt fading strategy where one begins prompting at a level guaranteed to get the response to occur. You would then fade the intensity of the prompt over time to avoid prompt dependency.

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Matching to Sample

In the presence of one stimulus, the student selects another stimulus that shares some or all characteristics. Matching can occur based on a variety of similar characteristics (matching things that look alike, that are associated by their function, that are associated by belonging to the same category, etc.).

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Verbal behavior (could be talking, signing, gesturing, etc.) that occurs when there is motivation for something and the reinforcer for the verbal behavior is the specific reinforcer. For example, asking for “water” (verbal behavior) when one is thirsty (motivation for water) and receiving water (reinforcer/consequence). Common terms for mands might include ask, demand, request, command,…

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