Functional Analysis
A process in which the events in the environment that are maintaining a particular response are identified. Functional analysis helps to answer questions such as “why does that behavior occur?” or “under what conditions is that behavior more likely?”
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A type of chaining procedure in which the first step in a task analysis is taught first, then the second step, then the third step, through to the final step. In other words, each step is taught one at a time, from first to last until the full behavior chain is emitted.
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Refers to the number of target responses counted. For example, “the student made seven initiations to his peers.”
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A measure of the ability of an individual to complete a given number of responses accurately within a given period of time. High rates of fluency are associated with effortless and proficient performance.
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This term refers to gradually removing any prompts one has introduced into a teaching situation.
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