Extinction Burst
Refers to the tendency for behavior “to get worse before it gets better”. When a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced, the behavior will temporarily increase in frequency, magnitude, and variability.
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To cease reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior to decrease the behavior’s frequency.
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Set procedures that are used in the event that the learner responds incorrectly or is non-responsive. For example, in one error correction procedure, the SD is repeated, followed by a zero second prompt for the child to respond correctly and is followed by a transfer trial.
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In errorless learning, prompting and prompt fading are utilized to reduce and or eliminate the likelihood of learner errors. If possible, the student is prevented from making the incorrect response in the first place through careful prompting. This increases the probability that the student will have more opportunities to make a correct response and receive…
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Food items that may be used as reinforcers. One common myth surrounding ABA is that edibles are the predominant reinforcers used in all treatment procedures with children. In actuality, when edibles are used, they are always paired with other more natural reinforcers such as verbal praise, attention, and tokens, and are faded as the student…
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